Seton Hall University School of Law, J.D.
Lehigh University, B.A.
Bar Admissions
State of New Jersey
U.S. District Court - District of New Jersey
U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit
Lawyer’s Advisory Committee- United State Bankruptcy Court, District Of New Jersey
Member, 2012-Present
Chair, Local Forms Subcommittee 2016-Present
Lawyer’s Advisory Committee- United State District Court, District Of New Jersey
Bankruptcy Court Representative, 2013-Present
Chair, Writ of Execution Subcommittee
Essex County Bar Association, President 2022
Trustee, 2014-Present
Secretary, 2018-2019
Debtor Creditor Section, 1999-Present
Chair, 2009-Present
MCLE Committee, Vice-Chair, 2007-2010
Bar Goes Local, Maplewood/South Orange/Irvington Co-Chair, 2000-Present
Bar Goes Local West Orange/Livingston/Roseland/Short Hills
Co-Chair. 2012-Present
Annual Dinner Committee, 2017-2018
Young Lawyers Section, 1999-2008
Vice-Chair, 2007-2008
Executive Committee, 2005-2008
Law Day Chair, 2006-2008
Long Range Planning Committee, Member, 2008
Programming Committee, Vice-Chair, 2007-2008
International Women’s Insolvency and Restructuring Confederation, 2005-Present
Co-Chair, 2012-2015
Board Member, 2007-Present
New Jersey Federal Bankruptcy Bar Association, 2015-Present
Secretary, 2015-Present
Seton Hall University School of Law, Alumni Council, 1999-Present
Reunion Chair, 2008, 2018
Young Alumni Council, Chair, 2001-2002
Women’s Law Forum Alumni Advisor, 1999-2002
New Jersey Women Lawyer’s Association, Member, 2009-Present
New Jersey State Bar Association, Member 1999-Present
Debtor/Creditor Section, 1999-Present
Women in the Profession Section, 1999-Present
Young Lawyers Section, 1999-2002
Morris County Bar Association, Member, 2008-Present
Monmouth County Bar Association, Member 2017-Present
Northern New Jersey Lehigh Alumni Club, 2006-Present
Freshman Sendoff Chair, 2006-Present
Partners for Women and Justice
Board of Trustees, 2010-Present
Governance Committee, 2015-Present
Major Gifts Campaign, 2014-Present
Fundraising Committee, 2013-2015
Spring Benefit Co-Chair, 2010-2013
Honorary Dinner Chair, 2008
Bankruptcy Inn of Court, 2001-2003
Barrister, 2002-2003
Student, 2001-2002
Haydn Proctor Inn of Court, Student, 1999-2001
West Orange Chamber of Commerce, 2001-Present
Board Member, 2001-Present
Super Lawyers, Bankruptcy - 2022
Seton Hall University School of Law Exemplary Service Award, May 2016
Lehigh University Alumni of the Year Award for the Class of 1995, May 2015
Named “New Jersey Rising Star” by New Jersey Monthly Magazine in 2012 and 2013
Listed in the “Top 40 Under 40” by The New Jersey Law Journal in 2011
Awarded the “Young Lawyers Section Achievement Award” by the Essex County Bar Association in 2007
Partners for Women and Justice
Essex County Bar Association
Pro Bono Matters
Shoshana Schiff concentrates her practice in the areas of redevelopment, restructuring and bankruptcy, debtor/creditor law, and commercial litigation.
Shoshana is a member of the Lawyers Advisory Committee – United States District Court, District of New Jersey from 2013 to the present; the Lawyers Advisory Committee United States Bankruptcy Court, District of New Jersey; the Essex County Bar Association since 1996. She served as the President of the Essex County Bar Association from May 2023 - May 2024. Shoshana has served on the Board of Trustees of Partners for Women and Justice since 2010. She has served as a Board member of the International Women’s Insolvency and Restructuring Confederation since 2007. She has been a member of the Seton Hall University School of Law Alumni Council since 1999 and the Board of Visitors since 2023. She is also a member of the New Jersey Women Lawyer’s Association, New Jersey State Bar Association, and the Northern New Jersey Lehigh Alumni Club. In addition, Shoshana was a student and barrister in the Bankruptcy Inn of Court and a student in the Haydn Proctor Inn of Court.
In December 2019, Shoshana received the IWIRC-NJ Woman of the Year Award. In May 2016, Shoshana received the Seton Hall University School of Law Exemplary Service Award. Shoshana received the Lehigh University Alumni of the Year Award for the Class of 1995 in May 2015. In 2011, Shoshana was listed in the "Top 40 Under 40" by the New Jersey Law Journal. In 2007, Shoshana was awarded the “Young Lawyers Section Achievement Award” by the Essex County Bar Association.
Shoshana served as the Law Clerk to the Honorable Robert Feldman, J.S.C., in Superior Court of New Jersey, Civil Division, Monmouth County 1998-1999.
Shoshana received her B.A. degree in Government from Lehigh University in 1995 and her J.D. from Seton Hall University School of Law, Newark, New Jersey, in 1998. She was the recipient of the Mary Franzese Humanitarian Award.
Shoshana was admitted to the practice of law in New Jersey in 1998 and the U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey in 1998. She was Admitted to the U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit in 2008.
Shoshana Schiff Named to the Board of Visitors of Seton Hall University School of Law
MS&B Partner Shoshana Schiff has been named to the Board of Visitors of Seton Hall University School of Law.
Hoboken North End Redevelopment Plan Amended
MS&B continues to be a partner in the redevelopment of the North End of Hoboken as it takes shape!
Tax Exemption Secured for Jersey City's Bayfront Project
MS&B is representing Jersey City on all aspects of the inaugural phase of Jersey City’s Bayfront Project in a formerly contaminated site along the Hackensack River waterfront.